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Simplified Method for Imputing Pregnancy to Ineligible Reporters

In a baseline simulation the "ineligible reporter" method is implemented as follows:

A woman is considered to be eligible due to pregnancy if she is of child-bearing age (i.e. 13-44), and she reports receiving Medicaid, but she is not simulated to be eligible by any of the non-pregnancy-based rules, and is eligible for one of the following special eligibilty types:

  • 21: if AFDCAutoElig= 0 and the woman's family income is below the level specified by the rule MedianAFDCNeedStandAsPctOfPov, the woman is assumed to be eligibile due to recept of TANF/AFDC (pregnancy-based eligibiluty for AFD/TAMF is not modelled by the TANF/AFDC module).
  • 60: if the woman's family income is below the level specified by the rule PovBasedMandPctForPregnant, the woman is simulated as being eligible via the mandatory eligibility path.
  • 61: if the woman's family income is below the level specified by the rule PovBasedMandPctForPregnant, the woman is simulated as being eligible via the state optional eligibility path.

The poverty guideline is not caclulated by the Medicaid module but is taken directly from the input variable FamilyLowIncomeCutoff. Also, note that under this simplified method, the percent-of-poverty is computed based on annual income rather than monthly income.

In an alternative simulation, the "ineligible reporter" imputation is performed in the same way as in the baseline, but is only applied to women who were assumed to be pregnant (via the "ineligible reporter" method) during the baseline run.